Monday, May 24, 2010

Is there c# program to convert 4 digit no to 4 thousand 6 hundred 3 ten 2 unit manner without using any string

how to convert 4 digit number to the following example?

Example. 4632 want to convert 4 thousand 6 hundred 3 ten 2 unit

Is there c# program to convert 4 digit no to 4 thousand 6 hundred 3 ten 2 unit manner without using any string

void main()


int num,n1,n2,n3,n4;

printf("\nEnter 4 digit number");

scanf("%d",num); //ex4632

n1 = num/1000; //n1=4

n2 = (num/100)%10 //n2=6

n3 = (num/10)%10 // n3=3

n4 = num % 10 // n4 = 2

printf("\n %d = %d thousand %d hundred %d ten $d unit",num,n1,n2,n3,n4);


This is the only sensible solution dude.
Reply:Without using string it is not possible. otherwise the question is incomplete try to explain it with more details.
Reply:Without using a string? Ouch. How would you store the literal string "thousand" without using a string? You'd probably have to output it one character at a time, 't', 'h', 'o', 'u'....

In fact, the "string" type was created specifically so you didn't have to do that sort of silly char-at-a-time stuff. Why are you trying to do it the hard way? A sadistic professor? :)

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