Thursday, July 30, 2009

How will you count the number of characters including space in a string or group of words using C language?

the output has to shown

enter the whole name: Juan DeLa Cruz

No.of characters shown: 14

No. of strings: 3

something like this....

i have no idea about this....just a little about string,i dont know where should i put those...

looking forward for the reply..

How will you count the number of characters including space in a string or group of words using C language?
Should be somethink like this (written in "project style") :

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])


const unsigned length= 40;

char name[length]; /* declare the variable used to store the name */

unsigned chars=0, strings=0, blank=1; /* declare the counters */

printf("Enter the string :\n");

fgets(name,length,stdin); /* read the string name from the screen */

/* while loop to count chars and string - strlen would be easier but you probably may not use it as it's a project. Stop when it meets the end of the array */

while(name[chars]!='\n' %26amp;%26amp; name[chars]!='\0')


if (name[chars]==' ') blank=1; /* remove all the blanks and count them in chars, remembering that we're in a "blank" phase. in case there are many following like in " Juan de la Cruiz " */



if (chars==0 || blank==1)

{ /* if the first char isn't a blank or after all the blank trailing, we begin a new string in the sentence */


blank= 0; /* we're not in a "blank phase" anymore */



chars++; /* in any case, we advance in the string name */


printf("\nNumber of characters in the string is=%d",chars);

printf("\nNumber of strings is=%d\n\n",strings);

Reply:Been awhile since I messed with c or c++ but I would count as 14 characters...

plus a null?

isn't there something that will tell you length of string?


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