Friday, July 31, 2009

In C++ what is the easiest way to convert a string (std::string) to type int?

Lets say I have a String number


whats the easiest way to conver this string into an int type

In C++ what is the easiest way to convert a string (std::string) to type int?
Use the standard library functions atoi (ascii to int), atof (float), or atol (long):

#include %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;

int x = atoi("100");

float y = atof("100.1");

long z = atol("1000000");
Reply:Use streams:

string number= "100";

int x;

istringstream i(number);

if (i %26gt;%26gt; x)



cout%26lt;%26lt;"Input not a number";

You have to include sstream for using this code. Now if you want to convert the number to float, just declare x as float and let the operator overloading do the rest.

I have provided you the code, now search net what does istringstream do and what magic can you perform with streams.

string s("999");

int n = atoi(s.c_str());
Reply:define it in a variable
Reply:I believe you could also simply "cast" the variable.

Here's the syntax: static_cast%26lt;type%26gt; (object)


cout %26lt;%26lt; "x as integer" %26lt;%26lt; x %26lt;%26lt; endl;

I'm also pretty sure that there's no special include statements.

Hope that helps!


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