Sunday, August 2, 2009

How do i read in arrays of numbers and streams, using c strings in c++?

Im writing a census program that requires me to use c string objects to read in three things, names(states), population, and area. What I dont know and cant find in my text book, at least in a clear way, is how to read numbers and names from a text file saved separately in my directory. My objects are being declared as ifstream and ofstream.

How do i read in arrays of numbers and streams, using c strings in c++?
If you mean how to read them from the text file, ifstream and ofstream work just like any other stream, such as cin and cout:

ifstream read("census.txt")

string name

int population,area

read %26gt;%26gt; name

read %26gt;%26gt; population

read %26gt;%26gt; area

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