Sunday, August 2, 2009

I am using C++ and I need help with a program question dealing with string/function call)?

Let's say I have a function defined as

str_call (int x)

When I do str_call(0), I want the function to return the string


How can I write up the function? I have no experience dealing with strings.

I am using C++ and I need help with a program question dealing with string/function call)?
See below for an example of a function that returns a string. The functionality you're looking for calls, I think, for a lookup table. The example also illustrates that.

By the nature of your question, I assume you're something of a beginner in C++. Some of the things you see below may be new to you, but it's never too soon to learn. C++ offers many useful features, and you should learn to take advantage of them.

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;string%26gt;

#include %26lt;map%26gt;

using namespace std;

typedef map%26lt;int,string%26gt; LookupTable;

typedef pair%26lt;int,string%26gt; LookupTableElement;

string translate(int,const LookupTable%26amp;);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

LookupTable lookup;

// Initialize



// ...


// Translate

cout %26lt;%26lt; translate(90,lookup) %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; translate(99,lookup) %26lt;%26lt; endl;

return 0;


string translate(int x,const LookupTable%26amp; map) {

LookupTable::const_iterator i;

if ((i = map.find(x)) != map.end()) {

return i-%26gt;second;

} else {

return string("not found");



// Program output:

// ninety

// not found
Reply:I doubt you're dumb, you just haven't learned enough C++ yet. For now, you can skip over the more complicated stuff. The fundamentals of what you asked for - how to return a string from a function - are fairly simple, and clearly shown in my 'translate' function. Report It

Reply:When dealing with strings as output parameters of functions, it's best to provide the function a buffer for filling it up. For example:

bool str_call(int x, char *result, int resultSize)


if (x==0)


if (resultSize%26gt;=strlen("Ninety")) // check to see if the provided buffer is big enough


strcpy(result, "Ninety");

return true; // return a successfull return code



return false; // result isn't valid


void main()


char result[100] = { '\0' };

if (str_call(0, result, sizeof(result))==true) // Calling the str_call function


printf("%s\n", result);



// Have fun,

// S. B.
Reply:You have two options. If you only ever want to return the one string, "ninety", then you can do this:

char *str_call(int x)


return "ninety";




printf ("%s\n", str_call(0)); // Prints "ninety"


This is OK, but it's a bit limited. A better option would be to have something like this:

char *str_call(int x, char *storage)


strcpy(storage, "ninety");

return storage;




char str[20];

printf ("str_call returns %s\n", str_call(0, str)); // Prints "str_call returns ninety"

printf ("Also, str = %s\n", str); // Prints "Also, str = ninety"


For completeness it's better to set limits on the size of these arrays, so you'd have this:

char *str_call(int x, char *storage, int maxlen)


strncpy(storage, "ninety", maxlen);

return storage;




const int strSize = 20;

char str[strSize];

printf ("str_call returns %s\n", str_call(0, str, strSize)); // Prints "str_call returns ninety"

printf ("Also, str = %s\n", str); // Prints "Also, str = ninety"


Finally, if you're using C++ then you may as well also use the benefits of STL like this:

void str_call(int x, std::string %26amp;storage)


storage = "ninety";




std::string str;

str_call(0, str);

printf ("str = %s\n", str); // Prints "str = ninety"

Reply:Have a read about pointers.

Strings are arrays of characters. when passing an array, you should pass a pointer the memory address of the first element in the array.

char mystring[50]

char* StringFunction(int x){

char mystring2[50];

strcpy(mystring2, "Ninety");

return mystring2;


int main(){

mystring = StringFunction(0);

cout %26lt;%26lt; mystring;

return 0;



I havnt been learning C++ long, but try compiling that. I can't garuntee it is the most efficient way even if it does work, but it might give you a start
Reply:go to and search you can learn and will get the answers

tarot cards

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